Tutorial: Facebook Comments Without Plugin For Wordpress

I'll write this little tutorial on how to add to your blogs the recently released version of the facebook comments without plugin (hereinafter stinky plugin) on Wordpress. At first I thought it was difficult, but after some research I 've realized that it's nothing fancy. 

Step 1: The first thing to do is go to the developers page and create a facebook application for your site . (This , as this is necessary to use the stinky plugin) the link is this : Facebook Developers 

Step 2: Copy and paste this code where you want your comments to appear .PHP Code:
<div id="fb-root"> < / div > <script src="http://connect.facebook.net/es_CO/all.js#xfbml=1"> < / script >
< fb : comments href = "< php the_permalink ()> ? " width = " 687 "> < / fb : comments> < / div >

Explanation: The field width is the width size of the box where your comments appear .If you come already using comments and do not want to lose them , then use this code:PHP Code:
<div id="fb-root"> < / div >
<script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"> < / script >
<fb:comments xid="YOUR_XID" migrated="1"> < / fb : comments>

In my case, it was the first time so that implemented the function did not try to migrate the data, but he says the facebook developers site , that you should show your old comments.Step 3: Within the head tag of your blog, paste the following goal:HTML Code:
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="{YOUR_APPLICATION_ID}">

Explanation: this is for facebook recognize you as the administrator and moderator of the comments facebook tool. YOUR_APPLICATION_ID replaces the { id } field on your application that you created in step 1 .And it's all , you should have a fantastic tool facebook comments, without the plugin

 Paulo Rodrigues


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